Values for bytes 00/01 can be found in Random.txt 00: Character modifier 01: Name modifier 02--03: ?? 04--05: HP 06: Current LP 07: Max LP 08: Current WP 09: Max WP 0A: Current JP 0B: Max JP 0C--0D: # of encounters 0E: STR 0F: QUI 10: INT 11: WIL 12: PSY 13: VIT 14: CHA 15: Gifts 16: Race modifier 17: ?? (Something to do with Half-Mystic? Asellus has 01 here, others have 00. *addendum*: Roufas has 05. What the hell.) 18--27: equipped abilities (2 bytes each) 28--2F: equipped items (1 byte each) 30--37: ?? 38--3F: Sword arts (bit toggle) 40--41: Gun arts (bit toggle) 42--47: Fighting arts (bit toggle) 48--57: ?? 58--63: Magic 64--6D: Dodge/Mec arts (bit toggle) 6E--75: Mystic/Enemy skills (bit toggle) 76--77: ?? 78: Monster form (takes effect if Monster bit is set in Gender) 79--7B: Monster/Mec BaseHP. Byte 79 may not influence this (999 HP can be set with 2 bytes.) Still, until I know what byte 79 is, it stays here. :) 7C: MysticSword absorbed monster (takes effect if Mystic bit is set in Gender? *untested*) 7D: MysticGlove absorbed monster " 7E: MysticBoots absorbed monster " 7F--FF: ??